Mercury in Veterinary Facilities

Human and animal healthcare facilities are under increasing pressure
to eliminate mercury. Good alternatives exist for virtually every mercury
containing medical product.
On this page, you will find information that will help you
understand why the healthcare industry has acquired so much mercury over the years, why this has become
a problem, and what your options are.
Mercury is the only common liquid metal. Its usefulness
stems from its unique combination of weight, ability to flow, electrical conductivity,
chemical stability, and its high boiling point and relatively low vapor pressure.
- For centuries, mercury was the ideal choice for
devices to measure temperature and pressure:
- For temperature, the high boiling point of mercury
means it can measure a wider range of temperatures than most other
- For pressure, the high density of mercury means
a conveniently short column can measure a wide range of pressures. The
measurement is simple: the pressure is proportional to the length
of the column, and it is hard (though
not impossible) to go wrong when simply measuring a length.
- Other medical applications take advantage of mercury's
density. For example, esophageal
dilators ("bougie tubes") and similar devices use flexible
tubes inserted into partially blocked passages that can apply expansion pressure
when the tube is filled. From a mechanical standpoint, mercury's weight
makes it a good choice as a filling fluid.
- Mercury's electrical conductivity combined with its ability
to flow motivated its use in electrical switches that respond to tilt, such
as devices to turn on a light when a cover is opened, and silent wall switches.
For these and many other applications, mercury containing
devices and materials have been an integral part of healthcare facility operations
for decades. A typical large human hospital might easily have over one
hundred pounds of mercury onsite, incorporated into hundreds of different
devices in dozens of separate locations, unless it has undertaken a conscious
and sustained effort to eliminate mercury. Veterinary clinics will have less mercury onsite, but the amount could be significant.

and Liabilities
Health Risks
Mercury is typically encountered in one of three forms:
- Metallic liquid mercury, also called "elemental" mercury,
found in thermometers and sphygmomanometers
- Inorganic mercury salts, found in mercury batteries
- Organic mercury compounds, such as methyl mercury, produced
by microorganisms such as soil bacteria, and found in fish and other foods
The forms have different properties, and therefore present
different types of exposure risks:
Metallic liquid mercury, like
any other liquid, evaporates. Once in the vapor state, it passes very
efficiently into the lungs (about
80% of what is inhaled stays in the body). Some of it is then converted
to inorganic salts. The rest dissolves in fatty tissue, and can enter
the central nervous system, where it can cause neurological problems ranging
from subtle to severe. In contrast, metallic liquid mercury does not
pass very readily though skin, nor is it absorbed well from the digestive tract.
Inorganic mercury salts are highly toxic. If
ingested, about 10% will
pass into the body through the digestive tract lining. Much of that
will collect in the kidneys and can cause severe damage there. But inorganic
mercury salts do not dissolve well in fat, and are not absorbed easily into
Organic mercury compounds are fat-soluble,
and pass easily into the body (90
- 95% in the case of methyl mercury) from the digestive tract. They
will be distributed throughout the body, and will cross the placental barrier,
passing from mother to unborn child.
Risks to the Environment
Any emission of mercury into the environment, even at very
small concentrations, can pose a threat to human health because of mercury's
tendency to become concentrated in animal tissue as it moves up the food chain. The
phenomenon is known as bioaccumulation. It is a remarkable
natural process that is able to produce concentrations of certain compounds
in fish tissue that are millions of times higher than the water they are swimming
the case of mercury, bioaccumulation begins when certain common bacteria
convert mercury into an organic form, methylmercury. Mercury in this
form can pass through the lipid membranes of various microorganisms. This
is true of other forms of mercury as well, but many of them tend to diffuse
out again just as rapidly. But once a few of the forms, like methylmercury
and mercuric ion have entered a microorganism, they stay there. The
microorganisms are eaten by copepods,
tiny shrimp-like animals that have been called "the base of the marine
food web". The copepods tend to excrete the membranes of the cells
they eat, and the mercuric ion tends to stick to the membranes, so that form
does not bioaccumulate. But the methylmercury builds up throughout
the life of the copepod. The process continues as the copepods are
eaten by organisms higher up the chain, with the methylmercury concentrations
increasing at every step. As this case history indicates, it
takes a set of special circumstances for bioaccumulation to occur most
forms of mercury do not bioaccumulate. But methylmercury hits the jackpot.
The problem is particularly acute for fish consumption. In
2003, there were 3,089 fish advisories in the 48 contiguous states. This
actually undercounts the number of bodies of water affected, since some advisories
cover large geographic areas. In all, fish advisories in 2003 covered
35% of the total lake acreage, and 24% of the total river miles in the country. Mercury
contamination was involved in 76% of these advisories. These and much
additional data are available from EPA's Office of Water.
It is a global, not just a local problem. Mercury at
levels exceeding the recommended maximum for consumption (1 part per million
in fish tissue) has been detected even in remote
locations in Canada and the U.S. One reason is that mercury can remain
in the air for a long time in the elemental form. It slowly oxidizes
through the action of ozone and other reactive pollutants, and can then settle
back to the earth in rain or snow. But it may remain in the atmosphere
for a year before this happens, giving it plenty of time to travel far from
its source.
Along with health and environmental risks, the presence of
mercury-containing devices in a veterinary facility presents a substantial
business risk associated with a growing area of litigation. The
presence of mercury exposes your facility to:
- Immediate costs, including cleanup costs from spills,
and citations from regulatory organizations
- Long term costs, such as legal actions by workers
or members of the surrounding community thought to have been exposed to mercury
used on site or found in your facility's waste stream
Compliance with federal and state workplace
standards for mercury is necessary, but may not be sufficient to protect a
facility from future liability claims. Mercury poisoning involves a very
broad, and not very well defined, range of symptoms that can overlap with a
wide variety of other causes. The appearance of the symptoms can occur
some time after the exposure.
Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that law firms
specializing in personal injury cases are aggressively
seeking clients with perceived symptoms of mercury poisoning. The
focus is currently on thimerosal, an ethyl mercury compound used as a preservative
in vaccines. But if history is any guide, a few well-publicized damage awards
would soon engender litigation involving other mercury exposure routes.
Mercury liability is a wild card. Veterinary facilities
are exposing themselves needlessly to substantial future liability risks if
they continue to use mercury-containing devices in applications where practical
alternatives exist.
Today, the main obstacle to moving to a fully mercury-free
facility is short-term cost. But when liability considerations and compliance
costs are included in the assessment, it is hard to make the case for postponing
the switchover.

Hazardous Waste and Universal
The presence of mercury can cause a waste material to become
classified as a Hazardous Waste. If
so, the waste must be handled and disposed of in compliance with a very detailed
set of regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA. See
the VetCA Managing
Hazardous (RCRA) Wastes page for more information.
For product manufacturers to determine whether the mercury in a sample triggers a Hazardous Waste classification, the rules specify a test called the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, or TCLP (EPA Method 1311). The test is designed to give some indication of how
readily a material would tend to leach into groundwater if the waste were placed
in a landfill. The standard test involves subjecting the waste to a mild
acetic acid solution (about the strength of household vinegar) at room temperature
for 18 hours. If the extract contains more than 0.2 mg per liter mercury,
the waste is considered hazardous. Thus the classification will depend
on both the concentration and the form of the mercury in the waste.
See the VetCA Hazardous Waste
Determination page for more information on how wastes become classified
as hazardous.
EPA has established a special category called "Universal
Waste" to encourage recycling of certain common items. An item that
is eligible for classification as a Universal Waste is exempt from many of
the cumbersome aspects of hazardous waste regulation that might otherwise make
recycling impractical. Mercury-containing items that qualify include:
- fluorescent bulbs and other mercury-containing lamps
- mercury batteries
- thermostats
- pesticides
But note that universal waste rules can vary from state to
Air Emissions
In the early 1990's, there were over 6000 medical waste incinerators
operating in the U.S., most of them small, onsite incinerators. Enough
mercury had found its way into the medical waste stream that hospital incinerators
had become the fourth largest source of mercury emissions to the atmosphere,
accounting for 8% of
the national total.
Increasing public awareness of the magnitude of mercury emissions from medical waste incinerators was a major factor in the drive to shut them down. In 2009, EPA issued amended air pollution regulations for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWI). The new standards set stricter limits on emissions for several compounds, including mercury. Specifically, the new limits for existing HMIWI was set at 0.0051 to 0.025 mg per dry standard cubic meter, depending on the size of the unit.
The number of medical waste incinerators had already been declining before the HMIWI NESHAP, but its effect was even more dramatic than anticipated. In 1997, there were approximately 2,400 incinerators burning medical waste nationwide. By 2011, the number of incinerators had declined to well less than 100.
In general, facilities that discharge wastewater are regulated
in two different ways, depending on whether they release their wastewater directly
to the environment ("direct discharge") or indirectly, through a
municipal sewer system, known in the jargon as a Publicly Owned Treatment Works,
or POTW ("indirect discharge").
Direct dischargers are required to obtain permits under the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. An individual
facility's permit will specify limits for various compounds of concern, including
mercury. The value of the limits will depend on site-specific factors.
Effluent limits for indirect dischargers are set by their
POTW. In determining the limits, the POTW has to take its own requirements
into account. POTWs are themselves direct dischargers, and will therefore
have to operate under their own NPDES permits, which will include site-specific
mercury limits. In addition, POTWs generate sludges from their biological
wastewater treatment systems, and many POTWs dispose of the sludges by land
application. These sludges must also meet mercury concentration limits. POTWs
will restrict the allowable concentration of mercury in wastewater discharged
to their systems in order to ensure that their requirements can be met.
Workplace Rules, Hazard Communications
Taking the different health effects into account, OSHA has
developed different
workplace standards for each of the three forms of mercury discussed above. The
OSHA website provides summary sheets listing exposure limits and linking to
additional references for each form.
- Standards
for the Elemental Form refer to air exposure to the vapor, rather than
to skin contact with the liquid metal.
- Standards
for the Inorganic Form refer to skin contact.
- Standards
for the Organic Form refer to both air exposure and skin contact.
In addition to workplace exposure standards, OSHA requires
compliance with its Hazard
Communication Standards. Any workplace in which employees may be exposed to hazardous chemicals must have a HAZCOM Program in place that includes a written plan, labeling of hazards, access to Safety Data Sheets [SDS, formally Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDSs)], and appropriate training.
The OSHA website provides a compliance-oriented
page with a formidable list of standards that may apply to mercury. The
links on the page tend to be nonspecific, making the page of somewhat limited
utility to the general reader, but that sinking feeling you will experience
as you scan through the list should serve as a useful incentive to minimize
the presence of mercury in your veterinary facility wherever possible.
Other Regulations Involving Mercury
Mercury is also regulated under a bewildering variety of
federal, state, and local statutes and agencies. For example, special
regulations exist for mercury contained in many common products, including:
- Pesticides (now mostly phased out)
- Cosmetics (as a preservative)
- Dental products (regulated under medical device rules)
- Food (as a trace contaminant)
Mercury is also a preservative in human and animal vaccines (Thimerosal). The CDC has a good discussion on this at Vaccines used in animals are regulated by the USDA/APHIS/CVB whereas vaccines for humans are regulated by FDA. The VETERINARY SERVICES MEMORANDUM NO. 800.59 provides instructions for identifying samples containing merthiolate (thimerosal) to facilitate their proper disposal.
For background, a detailed
discussion of mercury regulation nationwide, provided on the EPA website,
is a good place to start.

Most of mercury's unique advantages have become obsolete
with developments in solid state electronics and materials science. Mercury-free
products that are equivalent to or better in performance than the old mercury
devices are now readily available for virtually all applications in healthcare
facilities. For more information on eliminating mercury-containing products,
and on managing any that remain, see the Mercury Elimination and Management page.
The following table lists the mercury-containing devices
that typically account for a substantial fraction of the mercury in healthcare
facilities. For each device, the table indicates the properties of mercury
that have made it the material of choice for those devices in the past, and
the alternatives that have since become available to perform the same functions
without the use of mercury.
Device |
Properties |
Alternatives |
Thermometers |
Flow, thermal expansion coefficient, high boiling point |
Galinstan (uses a gallium-indium-tin alloy,
otherwise similar in appearance and operation to the mercury version). Digital (now available with comparable accuracy
to mercury). Generally requires a battery,
but solar cell models are available. |
Sphygmo-manometers, barometers |
Flow, density, low vapor pressure |
Aneroid (No
liquid: uses motion of bellows.)
Electronic (No liquid: uses solid
state pressure sensor.)
Note: Calibration
issues exist for all types of sphygmos,
including mercury. |
Esophageal dilators |
Flow, density |
powder in gel (tungsten is dense, more inert than mercury, and flows
when dispersed in a gel) |
Electrical switches |
Flow, conductivity |
and optical devices |
A few of these alternatives, such as the aneroid sphygmomanometer,
have been around for decades, but have recently been improved to address issues
such as durability, stability, and ease of calibration. Some were simply
not available until very recently. But in all cases, there is no longer
any technological barrier to phasing mercury out of healthcare applications.
Today, the main obstacle to moving to a fully mercury-free
facility is short-term cost. But when liability considerations and compliance
costs are included in the assessment, it is hard to make the case for postponing
the switchover. The presence of mercury exposes your facility to
- Immediate costs, including cleanup costs from spills,
and citations from regulatory and accrediting organizations
- Long term costs, such as legal actions by workers, patients,
or members of the surrounding community thought to have been exposed to mercury
used on site or found in your facility's waste stream
The cost of mercury spills is documented in a fact
sheet from the Sustainable Hospitals project. In several actual
cases, spill costs for relatively minor incidents have generally amounted
to several thousand dollars, and larger spills commonly involve tens of thousands.
Because the situation is still developing, no good liability
cost projections appear to be available.

of Mercury-containing Wastes
Mercury-containing materials that are hazardous wastes must
be disposed of in compliance with RCRA regulations, and discussed in the section
on "Shipping
Waste Off-Site" of the VetCA page on Managing Hazardous (RCRA) Wastes. Some
mercury-containing items may qualify as Universal
Cleanup of Mercury Spills
There are several good reference sources available on the
web that deal with mercury spill management. A sampling includes:

More Resources
The Centers for Disease Control provides a series of detailed
toxicological profiles for various hazardous substances. The profile
for mercury, which includes environmental fate information as well as extensive
health effects data, is at
