to the 
Regulated Medical Waste Resource Locator
Regulated Medical Waste
Definition of Regulated Medical
Managing Regulated Medical Waste
OSHA Regulations
Statutes, Regulations and Guidelines
More Information
Definition of Regulated Medical
A regulated medical waste is any solid waste, generated
in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals,
in research pertaining thereto, or in the production or testing of
biologicals, that is not excluded or exempted, and that is listed or
meets any waste characteristic classification criteria as described
- Cultures and Stocks: Cultures and stocks
of infectious agents and associated biologicals, including: cultures
from medical and pathological laboratories; cultures and stocks of
infectious agents from research and industrial laboratories; wastes
from the production of biologicals; discarded live and attenuated
vaccines; and culture dishes and devices used to transfer, inoculate,
and mix cultures.
- Pathological Wastes: Human pathological
wastes, including tissues, organs, and body party and body fluids
that are removed during surgery or autopsy, or other medical procedures,
and specimens of body fluids and their containers.
- Human Blood and Blood Products: Liquid
waste human blood; blood; items saturated and/or dripping with human
blood; or items that were saturated and/or dripping with human blood
that are now caked with dried human blood; including serum, plasma,
and other blood components, and their containers, which were used
or intended for use in either patient care, testing and laboratory
analysis or the development of pharmaceuticals. Intravenous bags
(only if they have come into contact with blood or other regulated
body fluid), soft plastic pipettes and plastic blood vials are also
included in this category.
- Sharps: Sharps that were used in animal
or human patient care or treatment or in medical research, or industrial
laboratories, including sharp, or potentially sharp if broken, items
such as, but not limited to, hypodermic needles, all syringes to
which a needle can be attached (with or without the attached needle)
and their components, including those from manufacturing research,
manufacturing and marketing, pasteur pipettes, scalpel blades, blood
vials, carpules, needles with attached tubing, acupuncture needles
and culture dishes (regardless of presence of infectious agents).
Also included are other types of broken or unbroken glassware that
were in contact with infectious agents, such as used slides and cover
- Animal Wastes: Contaminated animal carcasses,
body parts, and bedding of animals that were known to have been exposed
to infectious agents during research (including research in veterinary
hospitals), production of biologicals, or testing of pharmaceuticals.
Carcasses that are not known to have been exposed to agents infectious
to humans are considered Waste Type ID 25, and, therefore, are not
included in this class.
- Isolation Wastes: Biological waste and
discarded materials contaminated with blood, excretion, exudates,
or secretions from humans who are isolated to protect others from
certain highly communicable diseases, or isolated animals known to
be infected with highly communicable diseases.
- Unused Sharps: The following unused, discarded
sharps, that were intended to be used: hypodermic needles, suture
needles, syringes, and scalpel blades.
The following are excluded from the definition of
regulated medical waste:
- Hazardous waste identified or listed under the
federal regulations;
- Household waste, generated in households utilizing
home self-care;
- Ash from incineration of regulated medical waste
once the incineration process has been completed;
- Residues from treatment and destruction processes
once the regulated medical waste has been both treated and destroyed;
- Human corpses, remains and anatomical parts that
are intended for interment or cremation;
- Biological materials, including, blood or blood
products and pathological waste, intended for use, reuse or recycling
as raw materials or products, except materials classified as Class-6,
Isolation Waste, if the following conditions are met:
- The materials are used, reused or recycled
in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local statutes
and regulations for handling and managing the materials;
- The materials and their by-products are managed
as regulated medical waste when discarded after use, reuse or
recycling if not treated and destroyed as those terms are defined
in the regulations; and
- The generator of the materials reports the
type, destination, and method of use, reuse or recycling of the
materials to the Bureau of Medical Waste and Technical Assistance
in the Department at the address given in the regulations and
the district solid waste coordinator of the district where the
material originated at least once per year, or on request of
the Department or any other agency
- Nonbiological materials intended for use, reuse
or recycling, except materials classified as Class-6, Isolation Waste,
if the following conditions are met:
- The generator treats all used materials, or
any unused materials, that have come into contact with a regulated
body fluid or blood, or pathological waste at the site of generation
before shipping the materials off site;
- The generator destroys all sharps at the site
of generation before shipping the destroyed sharps off site for
recycling of the devices' component raw materials; and
- The generator of the materials reports the
type, quantity, destination, and method of use, reuse or recycling
of the materials to the Bureau of Medical Waste and Technical
Assistance in the Department at the address given in the regulations
and the district solid waste coordinator of the district where
the material originated at least once per year, or on request
of the Department or any other agency; and
- RMW, or non-regulated medical waste managed
as RMW, that is either generated by a person and is less than
100 pounds or has become the property of a person other than
the original generator except through the sale or transfer of
assets, and where such person has not generated RMW within a
two year period prior to requesting the exemption nor to the
best of their knowledge plans to generate RMW in the future,
may have a "one-time only" exemption from registering as a generator
and may offer RMW to a licensed RMW transporter using its own
number as the generator number. The Department shall issue an
authorization for this exemption in response to written notification
sent to the address listed in the regulations prior to the disposal
of the RMW in order for a one-time exemption of this type to
be valid. Authorizations for registration exemption will not
be granted to persons the Department expects will generate RMW
in the future.
The following are exempted from the definition of
regulated medical waste:
- Etiologic agents being transported interstate
pursuant to the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and all other applicable
shipping requirements are exempt from the requirements; and
- Samples of regulated medical waste transported
off-site by the EPA, the Department, the Department of Health or
the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety for enforcement
purposes are exempt from the requirements during the enforcement
Unless the waste is hazardous, mixtures of solid
waste and regulated medical waste are considered a regulated medical
Managing Regulated Medical
New Jersey has developed a comprehensive, cradle-to-grave,
regulated medical waste (RMW) management program.
Medical Waste Generators
Generator means any person, by site, whose act or
process produces RMW or whose act first causes a RMW to become subject
to regulation. Noncontiguous properties owned or operated by the same
person are separate sites and in the case where more than one person
(for example, doctors with separate medial practices) are located in
the same building and office, each individual business entity is a
separate generator for the purposes of this subchapter. However, households
utilizing home self-care exclusively are not generators.
Regulated Medical Waste Tracking Form
The New Jersey medical waste regulations require
all medical waste generators, transporters, intermediate handlers and
destination facilities to track RMW, no matter how small the amount
generated. Each generator shipping RMW off-site is responsible for
initiating the New Jersey RMW Tracking Form. Each person in the chain
of custody (handling process) of RMW assumes the responsibility for
getting the waste to the proper destination facility for treatment,
destruction or disposal.
Waste Classification
Portions of the New Jersey RMW Tracking Form must
be completed by the RMW generators, transporters, intermediate handlers
and by destination or disposal facilities. In addition, RMW generated
in New Jersey, but transported for disposal to another state, which
prints and requires use of its own tracking form, must also be reported
on that state's tracking form.
Segregation of Waste
Generators must segregate RMW intended for transport
off-site, to the extent practicable, prior to placement in containers.
* Generators must segregate RMW into:
- Sharps (Classes 4 and 7 as defined at N.J.A.C.
7:26-3A.6(a)) including sharps containing residual fluids;
- Fluids (quantities greater than 20 cubic centimeters);
- Other RMW.
If waste other than RMW is placed in the same container(s)
as RMW then the generator must package, label and mark the container
and its entire contents according to the RMW rule requirements.
Storage Requirements
Any person who stores RMW prior to treatment or disposal
on-site or for transport off-site must:
- Store the RMW in a manner and location that maintains
the integrity of the packaging and provides protection from the elements;
- Maintain the RMW in a nonputrescent state using
refrigeration if necessary;
- Lock any outdoor storage areas containing RMW
to prevent unauthorized access;
- Limit access to on-site storage areas only to
authorized employees;
- Store the RMW in a manner that provides protection
from animals and does not provide a breeding place or a food source
for insects and rodents;
- Dispose of RMW immediately if it becomes putrescent;
- Store RMW for no longer than one year.
Generators must ensure that all RMW is placed in
containers * that are:
- Rigid;
- Leak-resistant;
- Impervious to moisture;
- Sufficiently strong to prevent tearing or bursting
under normal conditions of use and handling;
- Sealed to prevent leakage during transport;
- Puncture resistant for packaging sharps and sharps
with residual fluids; and
- Break-resistant and tightly lidded or stoppered
for packaging fluids (quantities greater than 20 cubic centimeters).
Solid waste that is not managed as RMW shall not
be packaged for shipment inside a RMW container or in containers attached
to, or part of an RMW container. * Oversized RMW need not be placed
in containers.
Transporting Regulated Medical Waste
Generators must use only medical waste transporters
that are registered with the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste,
NJDEP and who possess a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.
Exemptions: Generators of less than 3 cubic
feet (50 pounds) of RMW per month that transport only their own RMW
to another generator for storage or disposal are exempt from transporter
registration requirements provided:
- The RMW is transported by the generator or authorized
employee in a vehicle with a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds,
owned by the generator or an authorized employee;
- The original generation point and the storage
point or disposal facility are located in New Jersey; and
- The generator completes a New Jersey Tracking
and Marking Requirements
Transporters may not accept any shipment of RMW from
a generator unless the outer surface of the container is properly labeled
and marked.
- Labeling refers to the designation of the contents
as "medical waste" or "infectious waste". Labeling
means each generator must, prior to offering for transport off-site,
label each container of untreated RMW with a water-resistant label
affixed to or printed on the outside of the container. The label
shall include the words "Medical Waste", or "Infectious
Waste", or display the universal biohazard symbol. Containers
of treated medical waste or red plastic bags used as inner packaging
are not required to be labeled.
- Marking refers to the use of a name and address.
Treated RMW is required to be marked. Marking means the generator,
including an intermediate handler must mark the outermost surface
of the outer container of RMW prepared for shipment with a water-resistant
identification tag containing the generator's or intermediate handler's
name and address, the transporter's name and NJDEP solid waste registration
number, date of shipment, and identification of the contents as RMW.
Each New Jersey RMW Tracking Form contains 6 copies
to be distributed as follows:
- Copy 6 Generator Copy - retained by generator;
- Copy 3,4 & 5 Transporter Copy - retained by
- Copy 2 Destination Facility Copy - retained by
destination facility owner/operator; and
- Copy 1 Generator Copy - mailed by destination
facility back to generator.
- The Generator completes items 1 through 15,
including signing the certification at Item 15;
- The Transporter verifies the quantity, notes
any discrepancies in Item 23, and completes and signs item 16:
- The Generator removes copy 6 and keeps it;
- The Transporter retains copies 3, 4 and 5 and
delivers the waste to the approved destination facility.
Generators must complete the generator portion of
the tracking form and sign the certification. A licensed medical waste
transporter may complete the generator section of the tracking form
but it is the generator who is ultimately responsible for ensuring
the information is accurate. A properly completed tracking form must
accompany all RMW that is shipped off the site of generation. Certification
should be completed at the time that the RMW is picked up by the licensed
Record Keeping Requirements
Retain a copy of each tracking form for at least
three years from the date the waste was accepted by the initial transporter
unless the Department specifically requires an additional retention
Receipt of Destination
If a copy of the completed tracking form is not received
from the destination facility within 35 days of acceptance of waste
by the initial transporter, contact the transporter or facility to
determine the status of the tracked waste.
Exception Report
If a signed copy of the tracking form is not received
from the destination facility within 45 days of acceptance of the waste
by the transporter, the generator must submit a Generator Exception
Report to the NJDEP Division of Enforcement Field Operations, Bureau
of Inspections and Investigations. The Exception Report must be postmarked
on or before the 46th day and include:
- A legible copy of the original tracking form for
which the generator does not have confirmation;
- A cover letter signed by the generator explaining
the efforts taken and the results to locate the RMW.
A copy of the Exception Report must be kept for at
least 3 years from the date of the report.
Annual Reports
All generators of RMW must complete and submit an
Annual Generator Report to the Department.
Treatment of Regulated Medical Waste
Treatment shall mean to change the biological character
or composition of any regulated medical waste to reduce or eliminate
its potential for causing diseases through such methods, techniques
or processes as:
- Incineration;
- Steam sterilization;
- Chemical disinfection;
- Irradiation;
- Thermal inactivation; or
- Any other effective method as approved by the State
Department of Health.
If antimicrobial chemicals are used in regulated
medical waste treatment the chemicals must be registered under the
Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) program.
Generators with On-Site Incinerators - Operating
Generators of RMW with on-site incinerators must
keep a Generator On-Site Incinerator Operating Log at their facility
that includes: date, duration and quantity (in pounds) of the incineration
cycle, the quantity of ash generated and transported off site, including
dates of transport and identification of the transporter and disposal
Operators with On-Site Incinerators that Accept
RMW from other Generators
Generators of RMW with on-site incinerators that
accept RMW from other generators must maintain information on: the
date of waste acceptance and the origin and quantity of the RMW. Generators
must also register with the NJDEP and declare intent to operate on
a commercial or non-commercial basis. Additional information on registration
as a disposal facility may be obtained by calling 609-984-6620.
Generator On-Site Reports
Generators of RMW with on-site incinerators must
submit annual on-site incinerator reports and be submitted to the NJDEP.
Releases of Regulated Medical Waste
Reports all incidents concerning releases of RMW
by calling the NJDEP 24-Hour emergency hotline at 877-927-6337.
OSHA Regulations VetCA OSHA State Page
In addition to the state medical waste environmental
regulations there are some Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) rules that apply to medical/infectious waste. New Jersey
is one of 24 states operating an approved occupational safety and health
program. However, the New Jersey program only covers the workplace
safety and health of public sector employees only. Private sector employees
in New Jersey are covered by Federal
OSHA. OSHA state and federal rules (Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne
Pathogens Standards) impact various aspects of medical/infectious waste,
including management of sharps, requirements for containers that hold
or store medical/infectious waste, labeling of medical/infectious waste
bags/containers, and employee training. These requirements can
be found in the VetCA section entitled OSHA Standards for Regulated Waste.
Statutes, Regulations and
Waste Regulations N.J.A.C. 7:26 Subchapter 3A. Regulated Medical
More Information
NJDEP Guidance Document For Regulated
Medical Waste
Generator Registration
List of Transporters
List of Treatment Vendors
Medical Waste Data